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Our Heritage

In 1882 a pioneering group of people drove their wagons from Salinas, California and settled in the area we now know as Easton. In 1886 twenty-six people became charter members of the Easton Presbyterian Church. These pioneers had simple but unshakable values: focus on Christ, be guided by the Bible, and love people.


Today, the same is still true. While embracing our long heritage, we are pioneering into this new millennium as a place where Christ is the center, the Bible is our guide, and people matter. These are timeless truths.

Easton Presbyterian Church

5895 South Elm Avenue

Fresno, CA  93706

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday:  9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Closed For Lunch

Worship Service: Sundays 9:30 a.m.

Adult Education: Sundays 10:45 a.m.

Phone:  (559) 266-0695    Fax:  (559) 266-0696

@2024 Easton Presbyterian Church

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