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As one of more than 600 member churches of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Easton Presbyterian aligns with the values and beliefs of this denomination.  We are both evangelical and Presbyterian.  Evangelical in our zeal for the gospel and rooted deeply in the Protestant Reformation (especially the theological and pastoral work of John Calvin). We embrace the Westminster Confession of Faith as our doctrinal standard, and the rule of spiritually mature elders linked together regionally as the best way to guide local congregations."
The Evangelical Presbyterians determined that they would not disagree on the basic essentials of the Christian faith, but on anything that was not essential—such as the issue of ordaining women as officers or practicing charismatic gifts—each church has the liberty to decide for themselves.  As a part of this denomination we are, above all, committed to loving each other and not engaging in quarrels and strife. When member churches get together for regional and national meetings, worship and fellowship is the main focus.
Essentials of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church
 Learn more about the Evangelical Presbyterian Church at their website.

Our Core Values

We believe Jesus Christ freed us from the guilt and condemnation of our sin, and so with love and gratitude we serve Him in all aspects of our life.

We believe all people matter to God and must matter to us, and so we intend to be a fellowship of believers that nurtures our members and extends the hope of Christ to people everywhere.

We believe our top priority and greatest privilege is to meet the living God in worship and to acknowledge His presence in our lives.


We believe Christ's Spirit is the best Guide for individuals and nations, and so we are to become disciples through biblical Christ-Centered teaching and preaching.

We believe that God hears and answers prayer, and so we are committed to depend on him through earnest prayer as individuals, in our families, and as a church.

We believe Christ empowers and expects his people to discover and us their spiritual gifts for serving God in the church and in the world.


We believe God is the source of all we have, and so corporately and individually we are committed to responsible stewards of our time, abilities and finances.

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